Special Notices

Ride status

Current statement on organised rides for Hythe Cycling Club


1st Jan 2025

HCC Members can obtain ride updates (route and numbers) for the weekly Sunday ride via the Spond App.


1st Jan 2024

HCC Members can obtain ride updates (route and numbers) for the weekly Sunday ride via the Spond App.


1st Jan 2023

Group rides return to a ‘pre Covid’ normality.  HCC Members can obtain ride updates (route and numbers) for the weekly Sunday ride via the Spond App.


27th November 2021

Please see the updated FAQ’s from British Cycling.

Group rides head out each weekend while being mindful of Covid-19 as an ongoing health concern.

 The club continue to use the Spond app to support the tracking requirements, as well as for the communication and organisational benefits it provides.

 The Club Committee also continue to monitor the British Cycling Covid-19 guidance for any changes. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your Club Committee.

British Cycling Coronavirus update


20th July 2021

Please see the updated FAQ’s from British Cycling.

Not a lot has changed as far as Group Rides are concerned but we will still be exercising a degree of caution around social distancing before, during and after rides.

Please also note that we will continue to use the Spond App to organise rides as this gives us the Track & Trace capabilities required by BC.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Committee.

British Cycling Coronavirus update


29th Mar 2021


While it’s great news that HCC club rides can restart, with British Cycling confirming affiliated cycling club groups of up to 15 can start from 29th March, there are a number of guidelines to be followed to ensure ride leaders and club members ongoing health and safety.
After due consideration, the committee has determined the following approach to restarting organised club rides.

On initial reading, you may find the approach somewhat prescriptive. However, each point is intended to ensure Hythe Cycling Club fulfils its obligations and duties in accordance with the current rules and approach set out by British Cycling and the UK Government. As the rules are relaxed over time, so will our approach to the organisation of club rides, with each change being communicated to members as and when we can.

HCC Sunday club rides will restart on the following basis:

  • Only HCC members who have paid their 2021 subscription can join an organised club ride
  • To ensure ride groups are identified as a British Cycling affiliated cycling club and can therefore ride up to 15 in a group, club kit (old or new) must be worn if you have a suitable item of club kit for the conditions
  • With the first Sunday 4th April being Easter Sunday, the first HCC club ride will be Sunday 11th April
  • We aim to operate 3 ride groups, with the usual Fast, Intermediate and Steady groups going out. Ride start times will be staggered with the Fast group leaving from the Sailing Club at 8:30am, Intermediates at 8:45am and the Steady group at 9am
  • All rides will be organised using the Spond app, with ride leaders posting the planned ride and riders signing up to the group via Spond beforehand. This allows the club to record who is on which ride, ensure separation of groups, and adhere to the max group size requirements. Information about the Spond app can be viewed at https://spond.com/welcome
  • A separate email will be sent directly to paid up club members with details of how to join the HCC Spond group
  •  Anybody currently signed up for the Spond app but not rejoined HCC as a member for 2021 by Saturday 10th April will be removed from the HCC Spond group
  •  If you’ve signed up for a ride on Spond but then can’t make it, please unregister from the ride on Spond to ensure records of ride groups are accurate, and spaces on full groups don’t then go to waste
  •  Please avoid just turning up on the day without first signing up to a ride on Spond, potentially putting our ride leaders in a difficult position if a group is already full
  •  Justin Mills will schedule and lead the Fast group rides, and Mark Brady the Steady group
  •  Ride leader(s) are needed to arrange and lead the Intermediate rides. Without a leader setting up the rides on Spond, they can’t go ahead as a club sanctioned ride, in which case the ride would be classed as an informal group and limited to 6 riders
  •  At both the beginning and the end of the rides, riders must adhere to existing Government rules regarding social distancing and group sizes (currently 2 metres and groups of up to 6)
  •  Loaf is open for post ride refreshments but the sailing club deck and toilets remain closed just now
  •  HCC also ask that while riding in groups of larger than 6, you are mindful of the public and other road users perceptions and possible reactions. They may not be aware of the rules that allow British Cycling sanctioned clubs to ride in the larger groups. Should you be subject to or hear any strong comments or reactions, please let the ride leader know
  •  We hope you can appreciate the reasoning behind in these current times. Please send any queries you may have to cycleclub2015@gmail.com

If you’ve not yet rejoined the club for 2021, please visit https://www.hythecyclingclub.org.uk/membership. If you were a member in 2020 there is no need to complete an application form, simply remit the annual subscription amount direct to the Club bank account with your name in the reference box.


9th Mar 2021

Over the next few days the Club Committee will be considering how we can take this forward safely in light of definitive guidance from BC.

However, as the proposed Group Rides are likely to be limited to current Club members, those that have not renewed their subscription for 2021 might want to consider doing it now.

It is looking very positive for the future.

Further information from British Cycling can be found here


4th Jan 2021

Following this evening’s announcement, all British Cycling activities in England are suspended until further notice. You can continue to cycle either alone, with members of your household/bubble or with one other person. This is permitted once daily, and you must stay local.

Further information from British Cycling can be found here


19th Dec 2020

Kent is moving into Tier 4 on Dec 20th. There will be no sanctioned British Cycling Club rides in those areas. Keeping fit is still a priority and you can still exercise and cycle if you follow government guidelines. See the information on those guidelines (in respect of cycling) by clicking the link below.

Updated: 20th Dec
Further information from British Cycling can be found here


3rd Dec 2020

Kent is currently in Tier 3 and the rule of 6 is back in action for outdoor activities. HCC rides resume as of today using the free Spond app (members have been sent information on this previously)

Further information from British Cycling can be found here


4th Nov 2020

Ahead of new restrictions being introduced in England from midnight tonight, we have today taken the decision to suspend all sanctioned events and activities until December 3rd.

Further information from British Cycling can be found here


10th Oct 2020

Official rides to resume using the free Spond app. Members will be sent an email with information on the app and how to organise rides. Have a read, sign-up, volunteer if you can, lets get riding…


11th July 2020

A email was sent out to all club members regarding the club base at The Hythe & Saltwood Sailing Club.

If you are a HCC member and haven’t recieved this email please feel free to contact the club via this website’s contact page.


30th June 2020

Current British Cycling advice on club and group rides dated 18th June advises club rides can take place with groups of up to 6 riding together while adhering to the 2m distancing rule, and in accordance with numerous guidelines relating to before, during and after the activity.

After considering this latest advice and associated detail, the HCC committee have decided to not yet resume organised club rides given the limited club resources and the organisation needed to operate within all the guidelines, while maintaining the safety of all concerned and the reputation of the club

The HCC committee will continue to monitor British Cycling guidance as and when it’s updated, each time re-assessing when HCC can reasonably resume organised club rides.

The Hythe Cycling Club is affiliated to British Cycling

You can join the club Here or via  British Cycling online. Note: there is a £1 admin fee if you join any BC club online.

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